With my kids attending a one-room school house, I often compare differences between our little school and a larger one. One of the many differences is, we have a Bookmobile scheduled to show up at the school. The Bookmobile is a mobile library that works in conjunction with the county library and it drives from rural school to rural school on a weekly basis during the school year.
During the summer, the Bookmobile makes scheduled stops at various ranches. Our ranch is on the list of scheduled stops this summer. We have been out of town or busy during the first three summer time stops but yesterday, the final scheduled stop, we were excited to meet the Bookmobile just down the hill from our house.
We headed down on foot, Bryce with his overdue Diary of a Wimpy Kid book in hand, to meet up with the Bookmobile.
We waited....
and waited.
Bookmobile didn’t show, which equates to two very disappointed kids.
Luckily there are plenty of distractions down near the dairy barns.....and the park across the street.
After exploring, big brother Bryce decides to show his sister just how boot cleaning is done. With sprayer in hand, he expertly cleans his rubber work boots.

School begins in just another week and a half. We've done our back to school supply shopping and the kids are excited about beginning the new school year.....and they can't wait for that Bookmobile.
Are you ready for 'back to school'?
So how do you really like the one room school house? It sounds like a great idea! Laura
@Laura, Like any school it has its pros and cons. There's only 11-14 kids total, K-6th in the entire school so socially it can be tough but I try to compensate by enrolling my kids in soccer, little league, 4H and CCD so they can interact with their peers. Academically, they get a lot of one on one attention, and I think that's great:)
Too bad about the bookmobile. School for us has started already. Whew...back to getting up early.
A non-show bookmobile is a major disappointment. Maybe he and his sister can trade books until next time. Nancy
The bookmobile use to make rural stops not far from our farm when our girls were little. It was exciting for them to go once a month on Thursday afternoon. Budget cuts have elimated that project over 5 yrs. ago. By choice 8 yrs ago, we pulled our girls from public school and put them in a small christian school that includes homeschoolers with certain classes and sports. Best choice we ever made. Our oldest graduated in 2010 with 7 others; our youngest with graduate 2012 with 6 others. We are in 4-H, church youth and have a HUGE family they lacked nothing...Blessings from Wisconsin!
I think now some kids would rather have the batmobile than the bookmobile show -up,lol. Richard from Amish Stories.
Glad your children get the farming experience They are really enjoy their time out there.
We used to have a bookobile stop near out farm growing up too! Man, I haven't seen one of those in years. I didn't know they even still had them especially with the computers now. That's awesome to hear that they do....and that your kids read an actual book!
Sorry about the mobile library not turning up - what a disappointment for them. That one room school house probably provides a wonderful education though.
Just the thought of a one room school house makes me happy. It's like a good old thing that has hung on in some areas.
Pat, there are three one-room schools in our area...hopefully they'll be around for a long time to come:)
Your kids are so cute. I love these photos. Kids being kids that is what life is all about. B
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