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Life is too short to eat bad food! Sharing great recipes, farm life, stories and photography from our Northern California dairy farm.

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August 17, 2011

Thankful Thursday w/Linky: Woodpecker Trail

Heading out to the coast for us is just a short 25 minute drive.  It's mandatory to dress in layers.  It could completely sunny and warm at our house and totally socked in with fog at the coast.  This week for Thankful Thursday, I'm thankful we live so close to a place as beautiful as Pt. Reyes National Seashore.

We headed to Bear Valley Visitor's Center {after a brief stop at Bovine Bakery} where a number of trails are ready to choose from right from the parking lot. We met some friends out there for a playdate/hike, we had five kids in total, ages 4-12. We wanted something that would be 'doable' for all ages so we chose Woodpecker Trail.
According to the Pt. Reyes National Park, Woodpecker Trail is a loop trail that explores the beautiful local forest and meadow ecosystems of Bear Valley, with interpretive signs describing some plants and animals you may see. This trail begins at the Bear Valley Trailhead, at the south end of the Bear Valley Parking Lot. {0.7 miles}

It turned out to be a gorgeous morning, warm in the sun, no fog, birds chirping and a fresh, clean crispness to the air.

It was an adventure, all along the trail the woodpeckers could be heard and the kids really enjoyed finding all the trees where woodpeckers had been.

What are you thankful for this week?

Link up to Thankful Thursday, just copy and paste the code to the Thankful Thursday button for your site and link up above! A great way to meet other bloggers!

Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to leave a comment, I love to hear from you! Have a fantastic day!

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TexWisGirl said...

that's a pretty neat trail to do!

Menopause and Ritalin said...

Oh I would love to go there. I love birds. I have 4 regular woodpeckers that eat out of our suet feeders. Love Love love them.

Michelle said...

At this point in the week I am thankful that I have kept it all together...meaning work, laundry, homework help, my job, etc,

Jeannelle said...

Right at this moment I'm thankful for my morning coffee and blogs to read!

Sounds fun to be so close to the ocean. In an hour and a half I can be at the coast of the Mississippi River.

Robyn said...

Nancy, if your linky party working today?

Here is my Thankful Thursday post:

The Weaver of Grass said...

What luck that you live so near such things - although I expect there is always plenty to amuse the children on the farm.