Things I'm thankful for....well, I'm thankful for all sorts of things every day but Thankful Thursday has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?!
I did bring snacks.....some Nutella and Ritz.....
I also brought some healthy snacks as well...fruit and nuts.
Paige insisted on dressing in her 'sparkle' outfit for our jaunt to the woods.....
I'm also thankful boys like to build 'sand castles' in the dirt.
All while watching Dominic move some dirt.
What have you got going on today?
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Linking up Thankful Thursday with:

On this particular day, the kids and I headed over to the Hidden Pond to watch Dominic move some dirt around. I'm thankful it's summer time and the kids are out of school and we can take a random ride over to the Secret Pond to enjoy the scenery and wildlife.
I did bring snacks.....some Nutella and Ritz.....
I also brought some healthy snacks as well...fruit and nuts.
Paige insisted on dressing in her 'sparkle' outfit for our jaunt to the woods.....
A pink sparkly top and some black sparkly tights with pink sparkly sneakers.....can't argue with her, some days a girl just needs her bling.
Chloe also came along, on leash. She's two and I'm wondering if I'll ever be able to let her off leash. She takes off every time.
I'm also thankful boys like to build 'sand castles' in the dirt.
And then build another one for his sister.
All while watching Dominic move some dirt.
What have you got going on today?
Bloggers, feel free to link up to Thankful Thursday, a great way to find other blogs or have them find you! Just copy the code below to paste on your blog post after linking up.
Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to leave a comment, I love to hear from you!. Have a fantastic day!
such cute and happy kids!
So nice that you and the children have a nice place to go and relax and Chloe
The girl had four teeth pulled a couple of days ago, so she is still in recovery mode and the boy has football practice until dark. Whew....that has been keeping us busy. Nice to see Paige needs her bling:)
I am thankful every day for so many blessings. Today I tied my Iron Chef Challenge of Banana Wheat Cake into being thankful for farmers, the food they grow and my children who get to eat it. Enjoy the day. I'll be in rice country wishing I had a private jet to fly over to see you quickly!
Nutella on crackers sounds good, can I eat that for breakfast?
What? Nutella on Ritz isn't healthy?! ;-)
your hidden pond looks AMAZING... as does the nutella and crackers... thanks for joining in this week! love your blog! new follower:)
Can't blame Paige - a girl has to be pretty 24/7. A little pink and sparkle will definitely make you noticed, even in the forest :D
Here on the farm it has been another cold, wet July day - far too awful weather for haymaking or silaging - so the farmer is tidying, sweeping and getting the silage clamp ready.
Mmmmm....Nutella! New follower from Thankful Thursday. Come check out what I'm thankful for and I would love if you would follow me back :)
It must be a little cooler your way to hang outside for a while to take pictures. The grass is drying up and turning yellow over my way. Richard from the Amish settlement of Lebanon,Pa
I love that sassy Paige!
What a great way to spend a summer day with a good friend of mine, Nutella!! :-))
Hi~Thanks for linking up to Farm Photo Friday. :) I linked up to your Thankful Thursday. Have a great day!!
No better way to grow up than on a farm...lil' cuties!!
Dirt sand castles sound wonderful. I love all her sparkles.
Looks like a great day to me!
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