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Life is too short to eat bad food! Sharing great recipes, farm life, stories and photography from our Northern California dairy farm.

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July 26, 2011

WW: Milk's Favorite Cookie

Hello, my name is Nancy and I'm a self proclaimed Cookie Monster.  If there are cookies in the cookie jar, I've been known to sneak a few here and there.....without the knowledge of my kids.....they're only allowed a cookie or two after a meal or a healthy snack.

I'm not proud.

On a recent secretive trip to the cookie jar, I got to thinking.  If milk had a favorite cookie, what would it be?

I'm pretty sure chocolate would have to be involved, wouldn't you?

I didn't bake any of these cookies, but they are a couple of my favorites that I try not to keep stocked in the house very often.....due to my self control issues......they'll probably be gone by the time you read this post.

Again, I'm not proud....but I am honest.

Oreos.....chocolate and creamy heaven.

Black Eyed Susans.....buttery, topped with creamy fudge chocolate, washes right down with an ice cold glass of milk.

Of course Chocolate Chip Cookies rate right up there as well!

Okay, let's get serious, what's your favorite milk dunking cookie?

Linking up Wordless Wednesday at:
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Project Alicia

Upcoming:  Want to participate in a 'Thankful Thursday'?  I'll have one up tomorrow, available to link up to  at 4:00 p.m. PST!

I love to hear from you! Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to leave a comment. Have a fantastic day!

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TexWisGirl said...

UGH! you are evil, woman! my sweet tooth just kicked into overdrive!!! i'm suing!

alicia said...

Omg!! You have me salivating. And I just vowed to stay good for 2 weeks until my 20 yr reunion. lol. Fab shots too!!

Anonymous said...

I like chocolate chip with out the chips in them, when I bake I leave the chips out and love the cookie, I am not a chocolate fan, that may be a good thing.

NYC Single Mom said...

Nothing beats an oreo cookie! Happy WW!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I have to totally agree with you about the Oreo and the milk has to be ice cold!!! mmmmmmm!!!!! :-)

Unknown said...

yum!! great pics!!! Let's be honest every cookie tastes better with milk!!!

Honey Mommy said...

I am actually not a big fan of Oreos, though my Father-in-law just showed my boys the proper dunking technique (you use a fork inserted into the white stuff).

My favorite is chocolate chip cookies... as long as they are SOFT!

ann said...

They look like double stuff to me. I like the choc cookie it is good

Kristi {at} Live and Love...Out Loud said...

Oh those look so yummy! :)

~ Noelle said...

ANY COOKIE is a good one! :)
I would say Oreo or Chocolate Chip are the top 2 though........
now, I need some... Thanks

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Can't generally go wrong with cookies!

trump said...

The perfect cookie to have a milk dip in. Richard from the Amish community of Lebanon,Pa

k. said...

I'm with Liz, any cookie is better with milk. I like Galletas Marias with milk. I don't dunk them--I stack them in a glass and then pour milk over them. Oooh, that brings back memories. I haven't done that in a long time.

Good Girl Gone Green said...

Thanks! Now I am hungry and all I can think about are cookies...guess what I don't have any

WeeMason Man's Mom said...

I love me some Oreos or some chips ahoy or just plain old homemade chocolate chip cookies - with or without the milk there!!

Tracy @nystoopmama said...

Ok, don't judge (too harshly), but I love to break up Oreos and eat them IN the milk. With a spoon. Like a cereal. Total pig or absolute genius? Probably a little bit of both. :)

Anonymous said...

Anything with chocolate and/or peanut butter would be lovely.

Dicky Bird said...

For store bought, Oreo #1, Ginger Snaps #2, Windmill #3
Homemade...who am I kidding...Oreo #1, chocolate chip #2, molasses #3 Blessings from Wisconsin!

City Life to Ranching Wife said...

Definitely Oreos! I've never had a Black Eyed Susan, but it looks delish!

Sarah said...

Oreos are by far the best to dip in milk!! YUM! Good thing I don't have any in the house or they would all be gone after I finish this comment!

And, I love the Thankful Thursday idea!

Sarah from The House That Ag Built

Valentina@baby quilts said...

Well, I'll keep my answer short because the Oreos and milk are already waiting for me in the kitchen :D