Anticipation was high as the time arrived for Bryce's Christmas recital at his school. He played a reindeer in the "How the Penguins Saved Christmas" play. To go along with the Christmas production, Santa pays the school a visit after the recital is over, arriving by fire truck.
The kids usher him in to the classroom, where a cozy rocking chair awaits him. One by one, each child has their turn to visit with Santa. Sweet! No mall visit for us this year!

Visiting Santa can become a fun tradition that your family looks forward to every Christmas season. Seeing Santa can be a little intimidating for little ones sometimes and you want this experience to be fun and exciting for everyone. Here are some tips that may help with the experience….
Top Tips for Visiting Santa:
Talk the Santa visit up a few days prior to visiting him. Sometimes a big man with a long white beard and a red suit can be intimidating to a child. Conversations like “This weekend, we’re going to visit Santa. You can sit on his lap or stand next to him and tell him what you’re wishing for, for Christmas. Santa is really nice.”
If your child has never visited Santa, take him/her to the mall on a day prior so he can see what it’s all about. Let him see all the kids in line waiting for their turn to talk to Santa.
Dress your kids in their holiday outfits. It makes a visit to see Santa more of an event.
Let your child bring something with him/her. A favorite stuffed toy, a blankie or anything that they feel secure with. You can also help your child write a letter to Santa and bring it with you for the visit.
A quick photo is usually the best. Photos taken within the first 10 or 15 seconds are usually the best. After the photo is taken, then Santa can have a fun conversation with your child.
Make it a family Santa photo. If your child doesn’t want to go at it alone, include the entire family in the photo.
If your child is still apprehensive, come back and try another day.

If your child still doesn't want to visit Santa {or you don't want to fight the mall traffic}, you can email Santa directly and receive reply email in return! This is a really fun thing to do! We do both.
And one other thing we enjoy at our house is visiting the official Norad Santa Tracker. At this site you can take a peek into Santa's village where you might even see some reindeer, track Santa's flight in Google Earth and view other Santa videos too.
What are or have been your Christmas traditions when visiting Santa?
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