I absolutely LOVE my Canon Rebel digital camera, it takes the Best photos for me, but at times, I wish for a more compact camera that I can easily keep in my purse or pocket. Well, I finally broke down yesterday while at CostCo and bought a Nikon CoolPix itsy, bitsy, teeny weeny digital camera. I'm still not sure weather I'll keep it or not, bare with me while I share with you some test photos to help me decide. After taking a number of photos, a couple of them came out blurry. Apparently I must master staying VERY still while pressing the shutter-release button. The jury is still out on the camera....we'll see.
Here are a few I took this morning using the Macro setting.

Here's my Big Daddy....

Action photos at T-Ball practice this morning using the sports setting....

Playing 3rd Base....

Spectator Paige...

I think the little camera did pretty well. I'll try it out for a few more days before I make my final decision.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
Last night I had a craving for some juicy, flavorful beef for dinner. After reviewing our freezer full of natural beef, I decided on London Broil. I like to marinate London Broil and this is what I use most of the time.....

I marinate the beef in the refrigerator for at least two hours, yesterday it was marinated all day. You can choose to broil or barbecue London Broil. I broiled mine, six minutes on one side and eight minutes on the other. Then let the beef 'rest', covered with foil for 10 minutes.

Slice and enjoy....

I also steamed some vegis to go with it...

And beef always goes well with some red wine. Last night it was a Corda blend Reserve...
Happy Saturday!
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I've heard a lot of people really like their Nikon CoolPix. Someone at work is ordering one to take macro photos. I think the size has a lot of appeal. It just takes a bit to learn all the settings and stuff on a new camera so that you can take the best photos possible.
To me, this is an easy one...
Keep them both. You can carry around the Nikon in your purse, pocket, or whatever. The other camera when you are going somewhere you KNOW will have great photo ops. I have several cameras, both film and digital. But I ALWAYS have my little Nikon coolpix S600 in my pocket! you just might find that the little Nikon becomes your favorite.
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