We spent the evening at my sister and brother-in-law's house for Easter dinner last night. Their kids are in 4-H and have rabbits that they show. They just recently decided to breed their bunnies for the very first time. They now have, I think, seven new 14 day old baby bunnies. This was my first time ever holding a baby bunny.
I COULD NOT get enough of them!

Just look how tiny they are..........

I wanted to take one home.......

This one was pretty cozy in Dominic's hands.....

The is the smallest of all....

Basket of bunnies, all are 'Dutch' except for the little one, which is a 'Holland Lop'.......

Paige and Grandpa Tony having fun. The bunnies would hop up our arms to get to our shoulders and nuzzle under our hair or next to our neck.....

Bryce even got into holding one of them............

This one really liked my Dad.........

My little animal lover was in
heaven with two of them in her lap........

So, if you are local and in search for a new pet 'Dutch' bunny, the kids are selling a few of them for $10 or $15 each!!
Happy Monday!!
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Awwwwww........!!!! :)
I have spent thousands of hours on the road and in the rabbit barn over the past fourteen years with the kids showing rabbits all over the nation. I wouldn't have traded it for anything in the world! My daughter still says it is the hardest of all her animal projects she worked on in 4-H and FFA. How hard can it be.....that perfect Dutch is an illusion! Actually to see one win Best In Show is a treat! We breed and show Mini Rex and American Sables.
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