There are nine students attending our district's one-room school house this year. That's nine students, total, grades K-6th. Two Kinders, two 1st graders, two 2 nd graders and three 6th graders. So, what does that mean for my Kindergartner and Second Grader?
With one teacher/principal, one full time aide and one part-time Spanish aide, it means LOTS of one on one attention. The school is very academic, they work hard and they play hard. Bryce was reading during the second month of his Kindergarten year and now, so is Paige. All the kids learn and progress at their own pace, what ever that may be. They're not forced and they're not held back.
Similar to home school, but I don't have to do it!
At first I was concerned about Paige being the only girl in the school up through the 5th grade level, but no longer. I actually think she likes being the only little girl....and why not? She get's a whole lot of attention from the boys, even with one of them being her brother.
Now with both kids attending the one-room school, I'm finding by beginning in Kindergarten, they don't know any different with regards to the size of the school and the amount of children. I keep both Bryce and Paige active in many activities outside of school. Paige spends time with her girlfriends, so she's not missing the important girl time where she can dress up in princess outfits and such......although, she could probably talk those boys at school into playing princess with her if she really wanted to.....I'm sure of it.
Confidence is not lacking
at all.......amazing what a little sheltering will do.
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