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Life is too short to eat bad food! Sharing great recipes, farm life, stories and photography from our Northern California dairy farm.

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May 30, 2014

Deer Camp Clean Up

This up coming weekend our 4H club has its annual fundraising Chicken BBQ and in preparation, we needed to complete a deer camp clean up on our friend's ranch where the fundraiser is being held.  

Get your boots on, girls!

 They are completely thrilled to be put to work.  Can you tell?

After sweeping, cob webbing, cleaning counters and such, it was time to do some serious BBQ for the clean up crew.  A venison ham was thawed from the prior year hunting season and put on the grill for what we call a "Flip Flop".

A Flip Flop is an old family and friend tradition where instead of cutting the venison ham into steaks, the ham is left in tack, on the bone and it's placed directly on the grill.  It is continually basted with a mixture of butter and Italian dressing, seared on one side, flipped over to the other and then the seared again.  The seared side is sliced off in thin layers.  The process repeats itself, flipping and flopping, until all the meat has been basted, seared and sliced.  Thus giving it the name, Flip Flop.

 This is one of my favorite meals.  We don't eat it very often but when we do, it is a huge treat.

 While the BBQ was going, a game of whiffle ball took place to work up an even bigger appetite.

It worked.  Finally.  Food.

 Happy faces all around.
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