
April 3, 2011

Radiation in U.S. Milk

Because of the tragedy that happened in Japan, there is no doubt we've all been affected in one way or another by it.  You've probably seen the news reports telling us radiation has reached the United States and has been found in the U.S. food system, including dairy supply.

I, like you, immediately became concerned over radiation entering our food supply and wanted to know how this would affect my family, our dairy farm and our country.

Once I found out about the sample tests taken earlier this week, in milk from Washington, California and Arizona, in which the government found extremely low levels of radiation that are more than 5,000 times lower than the thresholds set by the FDA, and far below levels that would cause any concern for public health, it helped to put my mind at ease.

According to the EPA’s statement, milk, water and other select products were tested for radiation. These very low amounts were anticipated, and will likely continue to appear over the next few days of testing. Federal and state government officials, and medical experts from around the country continue to underscore that minuscule levels of radiation detected do not pose a health concern to the U.S. food system, including U.S. dairy products.

According to Patricia Hansen, FDA senior scientist, "Radiation is all around us in our daily lives, and these findings are a minuscule amount compared to what people experience every day. For example, a person would be exposed to low levels of radiation on a round trip cross country flight, watching television, and even from construction materials.”

So, as I sit here and write this blog post from my laptop......on my lap {which I'm actually much more concerned about, since this is an frequent occurrence for me}, I know that milk is one of the most highly regulated and tested  food products in the U.S. food supply and strict government standards and ongoing monitoring help ensure that milk remains safe, wholesome and nutritious.  If you were worried about radiation in U.S. milk, as I'm sure you were, I hope this has eased your concern in some way.

For the full EPA press release on this matter, click here: Radiation Monitoring

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  1. I think it's going to affect us in numerous ways. But I also think there's not much we can do about it at this point. I am with you - there's plenty of every day things that can/will kill us...

  2. Thanks for sharing this info. I've been wondering about it since I heard it on the news. I guess we just have to accept it as being true that we are safe and trust that they know what they are talking about.

  3. Radiation is indeed all around us daily. It's always been in the soil.

    We are not at all concerned about radiation in our milk... Keep supplying it, Okay? Milk is a good thing.


  4. Milk has got to be safer than most processed foods!!!

  5. A VERY time-appropriate post. Thanks for sharing and telling your story!

  6. I too have had some concerns, thank you for sharing this information.
    Thank you too for your thoughts and prayers for Will.

  7. I agree with texwisgirl. The radiation will affect us, but just not a whole lot we can do about it.

  8. I agree, milk is a good thing and radiation is part of our daily life.--Inger


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