
April 2, 2011

Future 4-Her

There is no way I could deny my youngest the opportunity to become involved in 4H.  With Bryce, beginning 4H at 5 years old, we found to be a  fantastic experience.  We didn't start him off with animals, he was more interested in cooking so that's the project we signed him up for.  Now, in his second year, he's into photography and cooking.

Like her brother, Paige will also sign up for cooking, since the meetings are held at our house, it's kind of a given.  But I think I see the purchase of a bunny hutch in our near future though.  The other day, at Marin Farm Day, my sister had her kid's 4H bunnies on display.  Remember Cinnamon?  Well, he was there and Paige was more than happy and very proud to take responsibility for showing him to all the kids who attended Farm Day.

Paige & Cinnamon sat with cousin, Leila and Dominic at the Marin Co. Farm Bureau table which was conveniently located right next to our 4H club's table and enjoyed showing the Holland Lop, Cinnamon to all who passed by.

Great life lessons can be learned from owning pets.  I know Paige will share her thoughts and secrets with her future bunny, just as she does with her stuffed animals now.  Having a pet she can call her very own will teach respect and responsibility for other living things.

Having a pet bunny {or any pet} will also provide a more in-depth lesson about life, reproduction, birth, illnesses and eventually death and bereavement.  Even though I don't like to think about the last two lessons mentioned, it's part of the circle of life.

If you want to see what Cinnamon and the other bunnies that belong to my sister looked like when they were babies, just click over to my Hoppity Hop post....Cinnamon was TINY! {she's the only brown one in the photos}

Did you grow up with a pet of your very own?

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  1. I showed rabbits in 4-H my first couple of years!! Lots of fun memories!! I didn't like feeding them in the winter when the water would freeze... but you guys shouldn't have to worry about that!!

  2. We had a family dog that we got when I was five and he lived until right after I moved out at almost 19.

  3. I think next time I'm "home" I need to visit all the characters of your ranch. Especially Paige!!

  4. I grew up on a dairy farm so we had many animals and some pets. I think taking care of a living thing helps a child be more aware of life and needs.
    We also raised rabbits for meat and sold them, usually we had about 300 coming and going. Tame rabbit is very good but not good for little girls to think about.

  5. We had a few dogs when I was really little, then again when I was in High School. One year my Mom found an abandoned kitten. She brought it home as a b-day gift for my Sister. We had several house cats and lots of barn cat pets. We also had 3 raccoons growing up. They are fun! Now I have a Boston Terrier and the hubby has a cow dog.

    Glad to see your family active in 4-H. I was a 3rd generation life long 4-H member.

  6. 4H was the best experience for our family. My youngest did beginning 4H her first year where she got to go to each groups meeting to get a taste of each activity. Of course they all wound up showing cows. Last year was our last year and I will miss not having an animal at the fair!

  7. Your daughter is beautiful and 4-H is a wonderful organization. I was involved with it in Idaho while I grew up! Thanks for following. See you soon! Cheers.

  8. I had a few pets shared a dog also 2 cats but I had a New Zealand white rabbit and 14 guinea pigs we don't have 4h in the UK but I was in the Brownies and Girl Guides

  9. 4-H provides so many great experiences. I lookforward to reading about yours. My boys were members from age 9-18.

  10. Our 4-H club locally has had various drama over the years (drama of the very, very bad sort - in the papers for weeks for two different incidents) so I'm not sure we'll be going that route. Hmmm. It would be fun for the boys though, and I did 4-H myself. Will have to see if they can stay quiet for a few years first I think. Sigh.

  11. I agree that it is so important to learn to care for animals at a young age. Yes, I had an English Cocker Spaniel named Troika.

  12. You are right - a pet of her own will teach her many valuable lessons and instill a sense of responsibility. Besides... that bunny is so cute! hehe

  13. I grew up as a 4-H'er and I think every kid should be one too. We entered goats, rabbits and chickens via 4-H at our State Fair along with the woodworking, crafts and cooking. I hope your kids have as much fun as I did in 4-H!


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