
January 9, 2013

TT w/Linky: Workout Trainer

This morning it was a bone-chilling thirty something degrees....maybe even 29 degrees here in northern CA.  I know that temperature doesn't even register as cold for many of you but it's just too dang cold for me to get my butt out of bed at 5 a.m. to go to boot camp class....where we run outside for a portion of the class.

When my alarm went off this morning, I rolled over and buried my head.

Plan B.

I ran three miles at 9 a.m. in 41 degree weather.  Much better.  Okay, not really but that's what I tell myself anyway.

Workouts are a mandatory part of my life.  If only for the reason that I can come home and eat and drink things like this.......

I know....I'm not proud.....but not ashamed either.

Over the Christmas to New Year holiday my boot camp class cancelled classes so I searched my phone for a workout app that would fill in.  Workout Trainer is what I found.  LOVE it!  I do it on my off days from the gym and it's a great workout.  There are many different workouts to choose from.  I like the President's Victory Workout, which is 18 minutes long and I work up a sweat with it.  Then I add another 12 minute upper body workout.

The app talks you through the exercises and there are different degrees of intensity to choose from.  This is also a great workout if you travel frequently.  There should be enough room in a hotel room to complete the workouts.

Unless, of course, you're staying in a small New York City hotel room and sharing it with three other women....then, not so much.

Link up with anything you’re thankful for! And if you’re not a blogger, just let us know in the comment section what you happen to be thankful for on this day.


  1. I really commend you for getting out of bed and exercising at 41 degrees. I'm trying to make working out a part of my life.
    On the other hand, I don't understand America's obsession with bacon.

  2. You go girl. Buttons


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