
May 30, 2012

TT w/Linky: May Barn Charmer

P.E. Day happens once a year at our rural one-room schools.  Our school, of nine students, visits another rural one-room school just a few miles away to complete their Presidential Physical Fitness Testing.  I drove five of the kids over in the morning and am so glad I did......thankful for the view on the way there.  

This barn, nestled among the trees has caught my eye every time I wind around this rural country route.....only twice a year, normally.  

This 'Thankful Thursday' I'm thankful for the gorgeous scenery only miles away in just about every direction.

Link up with anything you’re thankful for! And if you’re not a blogger, just let us know in the comment section what you happen to be thankful for on this day.

 Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to leave a comment. I love to hear from you! Have a fantastic day!


  1. Completely charming and I love the photography.

  2. So looks like our view here in Wisconsin.

  3. Beautiful old barns are a treasure!

  4. Can't seem to find the linky. You do have beautiful scenery!

  5. Nancy
    I am having the same issue as Eden Hills.

    Here is my link:


Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment....I LOVE to read them all. Differences of opinion are ALWAYS welcome when written respectfully. I reserve the right to remove comments that contain vulgar language, name calling, hateful references or do not pertain to the topic of the post itself. Have a peaceful day:)