
February 3, 2012

'BOTW' Strip and go Naked

Now that I've got your attention, this is the PERFECT party drink.  I've had it myself at a friend's party a few times and let me tell you, it definitely sneaks up on you.  If you're looking for the perfect Super Bowl cocktail to serve, this is it.  It's mixed in a large thermos sports drink container,  much like the thermos containers you would see on the sidelines at a football game....only this one is 'loaded'.

Here's what you need for success:

30 cans of your favorite lite beer....I use Coors Light
1 3/4 liters of Vodka
2 {12 oz }cans of pink lemonade concentrate

In a 4 to 5 gallon sports drink dispenser, combine the light beer, vodka and lemonade concentrate. Stir gently to disperse the lemonade. Put the lid on and serve!

Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to leave a comment. I love to hear from you! Have a fantastic day!


  1. so funny! this is my husband's favorite drink (even if it's pink and frothy!) except we call it 'skip and go naked'. :)

  2. I've had this before (or something very close to it). It's good!

  3. I've never heard of this! How is that?!


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