
October 20, 2011

Boots for Fall

This past weekend while attending the San Francisco Vintners Market, I noticed a trend.  Maybe it's been a trend for a while, I don't know, but I just noticed a large percentage of the women attendees were wearing their boots. 

Tall, short, leather, pleather, red, brown, black, tan, cowboy, you name it, I think I saw it.....all in one room.

Nothing can make me happier than knowing boots are definitely in for fall.....but come to think of it, are they really ever out?

Here's a peek at what the San Francisco bay area crowd is wearing.......

Okay, these aren't boots, but I like them.

And this is what I was wearing.......

Do you have your boots for fall yet?  Or are you shopping for a new pair?  You can never have too many in my book:)

Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to leave a comment. I love to hear from you! Have a fantastic day!


  1. You were like the boot paparazzi! I love boots, mostly my cowboy boots. I'm definitely on the search for some riding style boots.

  2. I LOVE this post! I'm totally into boots this year, too!

  3. I am always looking for a new pair of boots! I think this year I will be buying a pair of brown boots and a new pair of cowboy boots.

    I love your boots - where did you get them?

  4. I have been looking at some, but don't have any yet!

  5. I wear boots and buy new boots just about year round! Stop over and say hi!!

  6. I like to observe people's shoes and attire too! I am a Cowboy Boot wearing Ranch Girl.


  7. @Sarah, I got my boots at Designer Show Warehouse {DSW} that store!

  8. Great Nancy, just what I didn't need...inspiration to buy a second pair of boots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    There are simply too many cute ones to pick only one!!!

  9. Very cute boots! I have been wanting a new pair of boots but I hardly wore either pair I bought last year so I need to wear those I suppose. You got some great shots of lots of great boots!


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