
June 5, 2011

Bootcampers Unite! the bar!  I love my bootcamp class. Not only because this dedicated group of people see each other three mornings a week, just after crawling out of bed at 5:00 in the A.M. but also because we can meet at the bar on the very same day at 5:00 in the P.M. and have some cocktails and yummy appetizers.

Eating and drinking IS the reason we go to bootcamp, after all!  Or, maybe I should just speak for's the reason I go to bootcamp class.

What were you up to this weekend?

I need your help friends, please click here to vote for Rocky Road ice cream in the Progressive Dairyman Face Off!  With every vote, your name can be entered to win $100 in free ice cream!!    Thanks for your support!

If you missed out on what this challenge is all about, click on Face Off Challenge for an explanation!

For your viewing, the road to Rocky Road~

Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to leave a comment, I love to hear from you!. Have a fantastic day!


  1. You changed your little icon!!!

    I LOVE IT!!!

    really really CUTE!!!

    And no beers for me... just water...


  2. Well that's a good way to celebrate boot camp!

  3. CONTEST......My blog Amish Stories is having its first ever contest this week. The First prize winner will win 2 tickets to tour the farm where the 1985 move "Witness" staring Harrison Ford and Kelly Mcgillis was made in Strasburg,Pa . This farm is now Amish owned, and the family has given permission for folks to tour their farm. This may be the last time anyone will be able to walk and see the same things that Harrison Ford and the other actors saw during the making of "Witness". The Witness tour should last about 2.5 hours. In addition to the Witness farm tour tickets, 1st prize winner will also receive 2 tickets for Jacobs choice. There will also be a 2nd place prize, which will be 2 tickets for the Amish Homestead. Please go to My blog for contest details, and more information on the prizes. Richard from the Amish settlement of Lebanon county.

  4. Hello.. I'm really sorry that this might not be appropriate for this post.. but I've been really struggling with this.. I can't seem to have a favicon to appear on my blog's tab.. and I came across this link
    where I saw your comment.. and I was wondering how you solved the problem and got the icon showing on your tab.. Thank you and again I'm really sorry


Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment....I LOVE to read them all. Differences of opinion are ALWAYS welcome when written respectfully. I reserve the right to remove comments that contain vulgar language, name calling, hateful references or do not pertain to the topic of the post itself. Have a peaceful day:)