
May 24, 2011

Hot Rod Car Show

One of the things I really like about the 4-H program is the opportunity for the members to work as a team for community service or to work a fundraiser for the's not all about owning animals, there's so much more to it.   This past Saturday the kids in our 4-H club had the opportunity to sell popcorn as a fundraiser for our club during the American Graffiti Car Show held in Petaluma.

Our shift was from 2-4 p.m. and it was a busy one.  Bryce and another 4-H member took turns holding the sign out in front of the booth and collecting money and making change on the sales.

But before our shift at the popcorn booth, Bryce and I had a chance to walk around and check out some of the 450 cars that were entered.

Bryce wanted to take a pic in front of this lavender car for his sister, Paige.

The bonus of working the last shift of the day was we had a prime viewing spot from our booth as all the cars began to cruise the boulevard.  Fun times at the car show. 

What did you do this past weekend??

Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to leave a comment, I love to hear from you!. Have a fantastic day!


  1. he is SO cute, looking all macho with those cars!

    (i got your email, and went into blogger to test to see if i had any problems accessing my account or in leaving comments. it's still a little dicy leaving comments but it's working better than it was this morning for me. i hope your problem is resolved!)

  2. Dang....What did I do last weekend....hmmmmm Oh! Helped with farm stuff and went with my mom and dad to take my niece shopping for Mommy-to Be clothes! Sunday was a church brunch for graduating seniors, then a bit of a rest (which means laundry!)

  3. you and bryce have great tastes. those are some "sweet rides"!

    my weekend was spent playing in the dirt. :o)

  4. I was "shuttle service" for the our guys in the fields. My job is to take them from place to place. Looks like a good time!

  5. Be ready, that is how it started with my hubby, first going to shows, then buy one for yourself. Just wait, your little fella might want a muscle car for himself.

  6. Your son is so cute!

    Weekend on Ft Lauderdale beach this weekend with my sweet girl!

  7. Bryce must have been so excited to see all those cars. I love them too.--Inger

  8. Bryce seems to like all the cars; today's little boys are tomorrow's men, so this shouldn't come as a surprise! So thoughtful of him to take a picture of the lavender car for his sister. Bravo Bryce!

  9. You charge to ablution your car apple-pie with a balmy soap or bactericide to get rid of the added clay afore waxing it.

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  10. Did you get to check every car? It's quite cool when you think that there were more or less 450 cool cars in that show. There were different models, and each of them had something to appeal both kids and adults. There was even a pink car. It's not a color you'd usually see, but it made that vehicle look so lively!

  11. Yes, I am strongly agreed with you, and thank you very much to let me know, because I was searching about newest car.


Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment....I LOVE to read them all. Differences of opinion are ALWAYS welcome when written respectfully. I reserve the right to remove comments that contain vulgar language, name calling, hateful references or do not pertain to the topic of the post itself. Have a peaceful day:)