
May 20, 2011

Farm Photo Friday

I just love it when I'm going through my camera's memory card and find some photos that I had forgotten I had taken.

A week ago, on Friday, we were invited down the hill to Nonny and Papa's house for dinner.  An impromptu get together at my in-law's house.  The kids were excited.  They asked Daddy to load their bicycles in the back of the truck with them for the ride down the hill......they're not allowed to ride down the hill, it's pretty steep.  Nonny and Papa's house is down near the milk barn, on flat ground so there's much more room to ride around.

And they did, until they were called in for dinner.

It's Friday!  What are your plans for the weekend?

I love to hear from you! Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to leave a comment. Have a fantastic day!


  1. i hope to be 'house-bound' by steady rains. we need it!

  2. Working on that Cape for June 12th!

  3. Love those fun farm memories! I am taking a much needed weekend at home with the girls while the boys are gone for a tournament. We have high school graduation tonight so we'll all be at that together and attend a few graduation parties. The girls need long naps today! Happy Friday.

  4. Nice photo, lovely children, super sky and smashing flag flying. My plans for the weekend - relax, meet friends, eat food - generally have a break.

  5. Nice.. I miss the farm life, used to be at one until I started high school. Then everything went poof and life sucked me in. Here I am now, standing in an office, longing for the green fields.

    Simply Fone

  6. Jimmy, hope you are able to get back to the country one day to enjoy those green fields:) Thanks for stopping by!


Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment....I LOVE to read them all. Differences of opinion are ALWAYS welcome when written respectfully. I reserve the right to remove comments that contain vulgar language, name calling, hateful references or do not pertain to the topic of the post itself. Have a peaceful day:)