
April 23, 2011

A Taste of Columbia Gold Rush

Bryce and I survived our overnight, tent camping, Columbia Gold Rush experience.  It was SO much fun.  Here's just a taste of what we experienced in Columbia, with a full re-cap to come the beginning of next week.

After our 3+ hour trek to the Columbia foothills, we arrived a bit late.  We made no stops, not even Starbucks, found the camp ground without a problem, but with no signs of our group, from Bryce's one room school in all. 

I knew we couldn't possibly be the first to arrive, considering we were 25 minutes late.  Thank goodness for decent cell reception!  We called Bryce's teacher, Mrs. Doyle, to find that the rest of the group had already arrived and was down in the historical town of Columbia.....which was only a two minute drive from camp.

Mrs. Doyle had two full days of scheduled activities planned for us.  First stop, candle making as they did it in the 1800's.

The kids and adults were able to create a candle in the colors of our own choosing to take home.....I'm thinking future 4H project here....

Another of the stops was a visit to a real working Blacksmith.  We learned all about how the iron was made, molded, shaped and cooled.  We were given horseshoes to take home to remember our experience.

On another tour, we learned about how communication began through newspapers and the use of ink.

The group was able to play out some things that, hopefully, they'll never experience in real life...... old time firemen working a bucket brigade


Bryce really enjoyed his first day in Columbia.  Every stick he and his buddies picked up, immediately transformed into a shotgun......and this action fit right in with our visit.

More on what the Columbia Gold Rush experience is all about on Monday.

Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to leave a comment, I love to hear from you! Just click on the “Post a Comment” link below. Have a peaceful day.


  1. hope that doesn't mean the 2nd day wasn't as good. the first one looks pretty awesome!

  2. I've been waiting to hear all about this fun trip! Bryce is such an energetic kid that is up for an adventure. First day sounds awesome! Can't wait to hear more. Happy Easter Grossi Family from your prairie friends.

  3. Looks like a pretty cool trip. Looking forward to hearing more about it.

  4. So much fun!! I love camping but haven't been in forever. Can't wait to hear more!

  5. Sounds exciting - looking forward to the next installment.

  6. I would so have enjoyed this trip. It looks like Bryce had a great time. Can`t wait to read more. B

  7. What a great trip! Can't wait to read more!

    Sarah from The House That Ag Built

  8. SUPER cool! I wish we had a place like that around here, my boys would LOVE it!

  9. days like this make for great family memories. :o)

  10. Hey, This is looking to be great place. I remembered my old days with my family..thank you very much ! I wish that we again go for such kind of trip..and have a great blast there :))


Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment....I LOVE to read them all. Differences of opinion are ALWAYS welcome when written respectfully. I reserve the right to remove comments that contain vulgar language, name calling, hateful references or do not pertain to the topic of the post itself. Have a peaceful day:)