
March 22, 2011

Profound Things a 6 Year Old Says

When my sister asked me to feed her farm animals while she and her family were away, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to bring the kids with me and let them experience taking care and interacting with animals we don't have on our own farm.

Among some of the farm animals, there were a few laying hens and a couple of roosters to feed.  One of the benefits, as I mentioned before, was bringing home the farm fresh eggs the hens laid every day.

The kids got a kick out of opening up the hatch and finding eight eggs in different colors waiting for us. Like a treasure hunt, right?  Bryce questioned me on exactly where they came from and how they got there, and it was a great learning experience.

So, this morning, I thought I would scramble up some of those farm fresh eggs.  Bryce gets on these kicks for breakfast wanting the same thing day in and day out for weeks.  Right now it's scrambled eggs......or so I thought.

Here's how our conversation went:

"Okay kids, breakfast is ready"

Bryce says, " I.....HOPE......YouDidn'tMakeEggs!!!"

"I made them how you like them.  The last time daddy made them for you, he didn't melt the cheese enough and I  know you didn't like the way he made them."

"No, I don't like how the CHICKENS make them."

Oh dear.  I must admit, when you see it through a six year old's eyes, he's got a point.  So Bryce now refuses to eat eggs, end of story.  Maybe it wasn't such a great idea to bring Bryce over to feed the hens after all, hope he gets over it......


  1. guess what? Chicken butt! Kids do get wierded out by where things come from sometimes! Thanks for sharing.

  2. That is too funny. I understand though. We have chickens and I do not like the eggs fried. I can eat them any other way.

  3. It does take some getting used to when you realize eggs don't just come from the store!

  4. @Kristi, YES they do!!

    @goatmilker, definitely can understand the texture thing....I'm not one for runny eggs myself, but I'm all over scrambled with some melted parmesan cheese:)

  5. What!? They don't come from the Easter Bunny's basket? Oh man oh man...I guess next you'll tell me that the stork doesn't delivery babies! ;)

  6. Bryce is quite the kid! You are giving him a great background in understanding where his food comes from. I am SURE he'll come around again to eggs. Thanks for your kind comment on my blog today. You are one of those very special friends Nancy that makes social media matter to me.

  7. Now I'm wondering exactly where you told him eggs came from?! Poor guy. Maybe when he realizes eggs are in many good treats he will change his mind?

  8. That is way too funny! Now what are you going to feed him for breakfast?

  9. @Southern Gal, poor guy just doesn't like the fact that eggs come out of a chicken's body at all.

    @Suzie, well he had a banana today....maybe smoothies in the near future.

  10. you have the makings of a young vegan there! don't mention where his bacon and hamburger came from just yet.

  11. ha, ha, ha...your post made me laugh and made me think. With kids even the best intentions can have an unpredictable outcome. Bryce is obviously a very observant child; has he seen where the milk comes from?

  12. @Quilt Fairy, oh yes, he definitely knows where milk comes from! He's okay with that one!

  13. Oh that's soo funny!

  14. Guess I will have to remember this lesson when my daughter brings her step kids over and we have our chickens! Thanks for sharing.

  15. hahah that is too funny- next he will turn into a vegetarian.


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