
March 29, 2011

Farm Kids and Spring Rain

If you've been reading here for a while, you then know how much rain we've been getting in northern California all winter and spring. 



The kids and I here on the farm couldn't take it any longer.  It was time to go out and play.  Rain or shine.

Off to the calf barn we headed, with the hopes of finding something interesting to do or play with. 
The kids decided they wanted to play beavers and build a dam.

Perfect!  This kept them busy for well over an hour.  They collected sticks, alfalfa, rocks to build up their dam.

Bryce was amazed that it was actually working.

Off to gather more alfalfa to finish up.

I'm hoping this will be the last day of our rainy season.  This week's forecast is calling for spring weather with one day even reaching the 80 degree mark! 

Has spring landed where you live yet?  Or are you still snowed in?

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  1. We are having some much needed rain, crops are so dry. You can see spring popping out every where now. The big tomato fields are hanging full of green tomatoes, strawberries fields are red. Glad to see the rain, wishing you some sun shine.

  2. Oh, PLEASE send some of that sunshine and warm weather our way. Tennessee is still getting soaked, and the temps are still in the 50's. with a few scattered days here and there getting into the 60's or 70's. We are so wet, we squish when we walk, and the temps won't let me plant my garden yet!

  3. @ellie, green tomatoes already! That's great! Hope you guys receive your much needed rain.

    @michelle, I know that 'squish when you walk' feeling. I'm wanting to plant a garden also, but we'll have to wait until at least May due to frost-that I'm sure is coming our way:)

  4. I'm going on 48 this year and I STILL love to put on my rubber boots and raincoat and go play in the water whooshing away from the barn and house. :)

  5. Glad to see the kids were able to go outside. It is hard when they can't get outside, I know!

  6. Hello I think your kids know how to have fun. It is warming up here and we are seeing signs of grass breaking through the cold, cold ground. Our cows are looking constantly for that grass. It will be a little more time till it really starts to show. We have not had any precipitation in awhile hopefully we will get those spring rains to make everything green. B

  7. It is cold going back down to freezing tonight. I have bare root roses that I need to get in the ground I have been told to wait another week. Look like the kids are having fun

  8. I enjoyed the photos of the kids. It's nice to see kids outside playing rather than in front of a TV screen. I'm partial to that name Bryce. It's my grandson's name too.

    Thanks for dropping by my blog and following. I look forward to getting to know you.

  9. thanks for stopping by my post, our tomatoes are still doing well and today we have 85 on 7 bushes. waiting for them to get ripe. my husband planted the seeds that came out of one tomato to see if it would grow and we are now waiting. this is a great way for kids to play when it is raining. wheni was a child, my brother dammed up the little creek behind our house to catch crawdads. this made me remembe that. I am in Florida so spring has been here for more than a month now.

  10. As of right now, it's below average temps, but dry (despite chance of rain nearly every day). Friday it's supposed to start warming up and get into the 60's for the weekend. >Sigh< I'm over the 40* weather.

  11. super fun!

  12. Saturday it was 85, then we've had 4 days of drizzle and zero sunlight. Tomorrow morning the low is supposed to be 32, and then Sunday a high of 90. We have a saying in Texas: If you don't like the weather, wait 10 minutes. Definately proving itself this spring! Hard on the calves and the allergies.

  13. I found your blog through Ree's site and had to visit because I really admire dairy farming families. Still snowed in here and it's a long way from warm weather.

    Beautiful blog you have.

  14. It is spring here today and they gray, cold, rainy, snowy weather we have had for the past several weeks seems to have moved on. I love, love your kids in their red boots. And how clever to play beaver. I think Samson, my dog, has tried to do that as well. He happily splashed in the holes he dug here as they filled up with rain. Thanks for your comment and your good wishes. Inger

  15. Both of my girls, in their 20's, still call their rain boots "barn boots" even though they are now Missoula citified lol! Thanks for stirring up memories of water fun (we had a creek that we loved to go to in the spring!) with your photos!


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