
March 20, 2011

The Chloe Chronicles part VI

I'm amazed, almost daily, by the good temperment of our little Chloe.  Not only because she'll lick my kid's feet 'clean' at any given opportunity {bonus, right?!},

but because she can put up with a rough and tumble 4 year old which she allows to do almost anything to her including, shopping cart rides, wheelbarrel rides, 4-wheeler rides, along with playing 'baby' , dolls and ponies, just to name a few.

She's especially tolerant when give great big 4 year old bear hugs.

We love our Chloe:)


  1. That is such a cute dog!! Love your blog!

  2. Nice that your kids have a dog to grow up with. She looks like a sweetie.

  3. Love the connection between kids and their dogs. Paige and Chloe are adorable pals!

  4. We have this early reader book called I Don't Want a Haircut and the dog in it that is avoiding the haircut looks just like your Chloe! :-)

  5. I think Chloe is the perfect playmate! And clean toes?? BONUS!


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