
February 23, 2011

Birds of a Feather on the Farm

When I first moved to the ranch, almost eight years ago now, one of the things I noticed was among ALL of the black crows that live here, there were also a handful of Seagulls.  We live about 25 minutes from the coast but I found it amusing that some of the Seagulls had found their way to our dairy farm from there.
I thought Seagulls were solely beach dwellers.

Now almost eight years later, that handful of Seagulls has grown to quite a large number.  I guess they prefer dairy farm living because they've definitely invited their friends.  We have a few hundred of them that have taken up permanent residency.

They especially like to perch on top of one of the freestall barns, which is close to the commodity barn.

The commodity barn is where they find their breakfast, lunch and dinner and snacks.  The tofu is out in the open and they especially like to feed off of it.

Hmmm...... maybe it's the most intelligent Seagulls make their way inland to agricultural lands.  No begging for food needed here, they have free range of all the food they could ever want. 


  1. I know about birds! We got them too! No Seagulls though! We got sparrows and starling...

    Some farms in Indiana have hunderds of them! Sometimes it's like that movie "birds", really creepy...

    Thanks for the post!

  2. When I was a child sea gulls only came in land when there was a storm at sea - or so we always said. Now they nest on the nearby moors to here and we have them with us always and we are a good fifty miles from the sea.

  3. I hate seagulls- I was once eating french fries on the beach as a child and one attacked me.

  4. @Weaver, wow! 50 miles from the sea, quite a distance for those seagulls!

    @Ren, they can be quite agressive can't they?! What a scary experience for you as a child!


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