
January 5, 2011

Mommy, Mommy it's Turning Orange Outside!!

Weeks of stormy weather we've been having here in California, can tend to be a bit of a downer.  I know the water is much needed and I'm not complaining....really.  I will not complain about the mud that I drive through to go into town or to drop off at school every morning.  I will not complain about how cold it feels.  I will not complain that my kids can't play outside. 

Instead, I'll be grateful for not having to water the plants.  I am grateful for the nice cozy fire in our wood stove every night.  I am grateful that my dog, Chloe can go potty outside on her own.  And I am very grateful for breaks in the rain, when they come because at times, something as beautiful as this sunset can be produced right outside my front door.

So when I hear Paige yell, "Mommy, Mommy, it's turning orange outside!" I immediately hoist myself up from the office chair I've been keeping warm and rush outside with camera in hand with the hopes of capturing the beauty that I know I'm about to witness. 

Chloe even enjoys the view to the West on this particular evening.

I couldn't decide on just one photo to post, so you got them all.


  1. Great pics, I especially like the one with the little white dog! Have a great day!

  2. I love to see the red sunset not to often in Indiana

  3. Oh I love a big sky with a sunset. I see the same on the prairie skyline. Beautiful shots Nancy. Way to go Paige for alerting your mama!


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