
January 30, 2011

The Innovative Dairyman

We're back to our winter weather; a little rainy and a bit cold but chores must go on here on the farm. 

I wonder if these two electricians knew what was in store for them when they came out to the dairy farm on this rainy day? 

Would they have even shown up if they knew they'd be repairing an electrical wire while being lifted in the bucket of a tractor dangling over the solid waste pond?

 Hmm, not sure.

But they were here, what else could they do when shown the situation?  Turn and run? 

Ranch life.


  1. love your posts Cousin!

  2. Oh yes, just the sort of thing that happens on our farm too - its surprising what the tractor bucket can be used for isn't it

  3. I bet they will think twice about coming back!

  4. Yikes, that looks like an accident (and OSHA violation) waiting to happen! :-)


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