
December 10, 2010

Shopping in my Closet

It's been raining here in northern CA and rather than wear my Ropers in the mud, although I'm sure they would hold up nicely and you know how much I love them, it's nice to have a pair of rubber boots when it's this wet.  I have a nice pair of rubber boots that I wear when I'm picking kids up from school or running errands in town, but I like to keep my town shoes separate from my ranch shoes.  So, I went shopping in my closet and look what I found!  Another pair of rubber boots!  And they're so colorful too.  These have been in my closet for two years or so, just waiting for the right time to come out.  Yesterday was the day.

We met Dominic down at the barn to help him vaccinate and cow magnet some calves, as you know if you read my post from yesterday.  As we walked up to the barn, he took one look at me with a smirk on his face and said,
"Your boots are going to get dirty"

"I know, these are rubber boots!"

"Uh, where are they from?"

"I went shopping in my closet, they've been buried for two years.  I found them on sale somewhere."

"Umm, Nance, I think there's a reason they were on sale."

"Well I think they'll add some color here on the ranch.  Paige likes them."

And off we went to break them in.  I have to say, they are super comfortable

Plus, cows are colorblind.

Both Paige and I got a lot of use out of our rubber boots this day.

And the best part about rubber boots is that they can be hosed off in the milking parlor.

Good as new.

Do you ever go shopping in your closet?


  1. Those are awesome! Very cute.

  2. Those boots cracked me up. I always get comments on my colorful wellies (

    Last year the toes got messed up in the snow, and they didn't really keep my feet warm, so I bought some snow boots. I wore them yesterday just for fun and it started snowing. Not good. I don't like the snow.


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