
December 31, 2010

As 2010 Comes to a Close

As 2010 comes to an end, so does the approach of the one year anniversary of The Wife of a Dairyman.  I truly appreciate and thank you for following along with me on this journey.  I've learned a lot in 2010.  I've met so many wonderful, inspirational people that I now call friends and reconnected with old ones through blogging and I feel blessed by that. I look forward to experiencing another year in this journey to who knows where.  I hope you will come along as well.

For fun, {and because, isn't this what one is supposed to do at year's end?} I chose some of the posts that I've enjoyed and made me laugh the most from 2010.....

                                       The Bull                       Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins

                                                        Where the green grass grows

                             Learning to drive                  Meeting new friends in person in SLO

                        Magnets can save a cow's life                  Farmers on vacation

Cousin Vic

In January I introduced you to our Hoof Trimmer, Joe and shared when the Buck Stopped Here on the dairy.

In February I demonstrated one reason that Bulls Terrify Me and that sometimes you may find Cows on the Loose at a dairy.

March was a month of the Big Moove for our beef.  I learned what in the world a Killdeer was on my very own egg hunt and I also jotted down some Dairy Myths vs. Dairy Facts.

April was a thrilling month, mainly because I was able to have lunch with and meet Temple Grandin in person, thanks to our friends, the Taylors.  Dominic demonstrated just how he shoots a magnet into a cow's tummy and learned How a Magnet can Save a Cow's Life. and that green grass doesn't only grow from the ground.

In May, I brought the kids to their first Portuguese Festa to learn a little about what I experienced growing up, being raised as a 1st generation Portuguese American within my family.  Another demonstration by Dominic showed us how a cow can become pregnant by A.I.

In June I found out just how much trust Dominic has in my tractor driving abilities......and how brave he is!
Paige also discovered just how a good hand sucking feels, dairy style.  And I can't forget about the baby barn owls in the calf barn in the woods....definitely a highlight!

July was a month of friends, food and discovering farmers can only relax when on vacation away from the ranch....even if they do wear boots to the beach.

In August I learned all about the sea of jellyfish we discovered at a favorite beach spot.  And with my cousin's visit, just what goes into Bolashas De Espece.  I also talked about  how we test our milk and why.

September was a month of discovering what Farmers, Facebook, Twitter and Blogging have in common with my trip to Chicago. And also sharing a link on how to know where your milk is from.

October I faced a fear I've had for a lifetime....public speaking at the Cal Poly Dairy Symposium and then relaxing at the SLO bar scene afterwords....Phew!

In November, I was properly taught how to drive a tractor by a very patient Dominic.  I also got to experience my first Foodbuzz Festival in San, eat, eat!

And here we are in December.  A month of parties, such as the Dairy Women's Christmas Luncheon.
And how I caught Santa for the very first time!

Oh and I can't finish without including one of the most viewed recipes {and one of my favorites} from 2010... Mini Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins.  And the post that generated the most comments, Organic vs. Conventional Dairy Farms.

What is one of your most memorable occasions of 2010??  Any big plans for 2011??
I wish you and your family a very healthy and happy 2011.  Cheers!


  1. I love your blog and have you on my favorites so I can check every day for a new post. Thanks for all the info, the fun and I like to think a kind of friendship.

  2. I forgot to use google with my name,

  3. Thanks Ellie:) I wish you and your family a happy and healthy New Year!


Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment....I LOVE to read them all. Differences of opinion are ALWAYS welcome when written respectfully. I reserve the right to remove comments that contain vulgar language, name calling, hateful references or do not pertain to the topic of the post itself. Have a peaceful day:)