
July 16, 2010

All I was looking for was Taco Shells & Beer + Update on Dirty Dozen List

Have you ever gone to Costco and come home with more than what you went for originally?  Well, I had an excursion to Costco yesterday.

I have a love-hate relationship with Costco.  Why does one always find additional items that are a 'must have' at Costco? a bag of peanut m&m's.

I think I need to upgrade to a Suburban.

All I wanted were taco shells and beer!

Okay, maybe not just taco shells and beer but I did come home with more than I had on my list.  We're getting ready to go on vacation and I had to buy a week's supply of snacks, lunch and breakfast food.  We're only responsible for one night of dinner during the week and we're making tacos. 

Costco doesn't have taco shells....just tortillas, which I also needed.

But they do have beer.  We're set!

Now that I'm looking at the photo above, I am realizing that we must fit all of this (minus the paper towels and the case of stewed tomatoes) plus, 16 pounds of our natural ground beef, and all of our clothes, sleeping bags, toys, etc. 

Hmmm, maybe we should drive the truck instead......


Remember a while back when I wrote about the Dirty Dozen list by the Environmental Working Group?  Which is a list of fruits and vegetables you might want to stay away from.  Well it was brought to my attention by a Facebook friend, (thanks Geoff) there is a new report, just released Thursday by the Alliance For Food & Farming challenging this Dirty Dozen claim.  The Alliance for Food & Farming has launched a new website, Safe Fruits and Veggies, to give consumers a different perspective and stress the need to eat more fresh fruits and veggies.  I hope you check out this new report

Happy Friday!  Cheers!


  1. Have you ever gone to Costco and come home with more than what you went for originally?

    The question should be....
    "Have you ever gone to Costco and NOT come home with more than what you went for....?"

    We were just there today and believe it or not we only spent about 40 bucks!

    Have a nice vacation!

  2. Oh yeah! I keep forgetting to tell you...
    My granddaughter LOVES playing with those magnets....

  3. Yeah, I have the same problem at Costco. Only I drive a corolla so some days I consider strapping beer to the roof.

  4. Hi Nancy, My daughter who lives in Novato has a suburban, when their family grew to 5 people she need a bigger car, now she hauls around all kinds of stuff, maybe you'll run into her in the costco parking lot??

  5. I knew I recognized that terrain (No. Cal girl and Costco addict myself). I am telling you - it is the root of all evil (Costco). You can't go in without dropping a couple of c-notes every time. Who needs the big bulk of THAT anyway?


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