
June 21, 2010

Picking up Hay

Another work morning with Dominic.  We are having SO much fun!  My father-in-law just cut and baled, I don't know how many oat hay bales that are ready to be stacked and moved.  We needed to pick up a truck load to stack for the Dry Cows (cows that are not milking and / or ready to give birth anytime).  I drove the truck while Dominic and the two assistants followed behind loading the truck.

Once we had a truck load full, we drove into the corral where the dry cows are kept.  But first we had to drive through Milking Cow String #1.  We have two or three strings of milking cows, depending on how many cows we have lactating.  

Move girls...... 


Our two assistants got busy feeding.

And it's always fun climbing the haystack.

Good job guys!  And while they were finishing this up, I was looking for...........

this guy.  I didn't have to look far because he always has an eye or two on me whenever I'm around.  I can't get away from him!!

But he was on the other side of the fence.  I was safe ;)

Happy Monday!


  1. What great photos and good helpers -looks like a funday

  2. You are lucky! It is too wet for us to bale hay... and it is supposed to rain every day this week... woo hoo.. haha!

  3. Your two "assistants" are adorable...and hard-working too!!


  4. Your blog is looking good! And you're much too foxy to live on a farm, as foxy as they are. ;)

  5. I always check your blog each morning to see what you have been up to - that bull looks really mean!

  6. Lady, they are good littl helpers...Thanks!
    Liz, bummer on the rain! It just stopped raining here a couple of weeks ago, I don't know what we'd do if it was still raining!

    Mary E, they like to help daddy! Thanks!
    Crystal, you are FUNNY ! Thanks!
    Madame, thanks for checking in! I stay away from the bull....don't like him.

  7. OH my gosh I am cracking up at that bull! I think he too thinks you are a fox hubba hubba! bwahahaha

    Came by from MBC! I happen to live in America's Dairyland so I wonder if cows are truly happier in California? =)

  8. What a fun post! Stopping by from MBC, you have a new follower!


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