
June 11, 2010

Nothing like a good hand sucking in the morning

I am SO loving that school is out for the summer.  Our mornings are so relaxed and we have time to hang out with Dominic on the ranch.

This morning Dominic was replacing the straw bedding for the calves in the calf barn so Bryce, Paige and I tagged along.

Paige LOVES the calves.  So much so, she lets them suck her fingers.....or entire hand.  The calves enjoy it also.  They'll suck on you for as long as you let them, figuring milk has got to come out at some point!

"It tickles!"

On cold mornings, this makes for a good hand warmer.

Still no milk.

The result and what every kid enjoys (except for Bryce, he didn't want anything to do with this) bubbles and gooo.  Now, go find Daddy so you can wipe your hand on his sweatshirt.

Happy Friday!  Cheers!


  1. Reminds me of Haley!!!!

  2. One of my favorite things to do! Everyone should have the chance to feel a new calf suckle your fingers.


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