
May 27, 2010

Winter Storm Warning, in May?

Oh where oh where is our summer? I would be happy with spring weather! We are having a winter type storm today here in CA. We've received 1 1/2 inches so far this morning (by 9:15 a.m.) in our rain gauge.  Hopefully the last storm of the season. I'm so ready for the sun.

Yesterday, before the storm moved in,  I snapped a few photos of some things around the yard that always put a smile on my face.

Some of my favorites are all the flowers that are in bloom right now.  This yellow rose bush in particular, is my very favorite.  It just says 'summer' to me.

I love the variation of color on the petals of this Nasturtium.  We have a small deck right outside the back door to our house and last year I decided to throw out some Nasturtium seeds underneath it.  They grew like crazy and fill in the space nicely.  If you don't consider yourself a 'Green Thumb' try a package of these seeds, they'll boost your confidence!

A bonus with this plant:  the leaves can be used in salads!

Can you spot the lizard?

Hearty Primrose......we like hearty.

What is your favorite flower and why?

Happy Thursday!


  1. Yellow is my favorite color so really any yellow flower- but I am a bit partial to roses.

  2. Beautiful flowers! We'll send you some sunshine soon!

  3. I love peonies for their full blooms and sweet smell. I could do without all the ants they attract though. I aw you in the under 100 club on MBC. I am following thru GFC now. Pls come see my blog

  4. OMG!! Those flowers are beautiful!!

    Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Love your blog.

    Have a nice day!


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