
May 18, 2010

I have a Tweet for you!

Okay, more like a HoooHooo.  Yes, I'm talking owls here.  Barn Owls to be exact.  Look at the two cuties we have in our commodities barn this spring.  There's a box up in the rafters of the barn and every year we have a new batch of babies born there.

Dominic gave me a lift up in the bucket of the tractor so I could snap these photos.  They didn't know WHAT to think of me...........

I tried to capture a photo of the mama, but she flew off before I could snap one.....maybe later.

This is the barn I'm speaking of.......

I was able to capture a photo of mama owl today at lunch time.......

Before she flew away.............

This photo is of a crew of three from a couple of years ago.......

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Oh I love love love these photos- these glimpses into your world are
    so amazing-

  2. Very Cute Nancy - thank you for sharing them with us. Jenna and I always enjoy reading about all the adventures around your home. We need to come and visit :)

  3. Too cool, Nancy!!! Look out gophers :) Deb


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