
May 1, 2010

Horse and Rider Share Many Things in Life

I haven't ridden in five years, since I was pregnant with Bryce and I definitely miss it. Joey is not rideable by adults, for now because of the founder he endured two years ago. The kids are light enough to ride him and Paige is HAPPY to do so. I hope she will continue to want to ride and share the same feelings as the young poet below.

Horse and rider

The horse and rider is more than just a feel, its a way of which is communication and partnership. In that split second it feels like the world has stopped and the only thing moving is you and your horse dancing.

The way the horse's hoofs thud to the sound of your heartbeat.

It's like the whole world stops when you and your horse unite together as one. The way a horse makes you feel at ease with yourself and the world. When the world turns upside down, these animals will still be there. The way that feeling feels when you breathe to his every move pounding to his hoofs.

The way the horse runs, the wind through your hair, the freedom that we borrow from this magical creature.

This horse is more than a slave, he's apart of you, he's your soulmate, he's your best friend.

By: Chloe Jeggo (who is 15 years old)

Truly, it difficult to find words to describe the feeling one has when riding such a powerful, sensitive animal.

Happy Saturday!


  1. Can Paige be any cuter!! OMG...darling!
    Thanks for sharing Nancy. What a great young writer that rider is!!!

  2. I hope you get back into riding and enjoy it with your inner child.

  3. Like so many relationships, communication is an absolute. We have Norwegian Fjords, ride, pack and drive them. At times they shock us as they seem to understand certain situations call for different actions. You treat them well and they will trust you. Looks like your little one has a good friend.


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