
January 8, 2010

The Wife of a Dairyman ~ Day to day happenings

I just got word from Hubby that he will be late for dinner tonight. The starter for the vacuum pump (on the milking machine) went out and the coils needed to be replaced. Milking began half an hour late today. Hubby, Dominic doesn't 'milk' but he needs to wait until all the cows have been milked to collect a few five gallon buckets of milk to feed the baby calves. Currently we have around 40 calves that Dominic feeds in the a.m. and p.m. Our Vet, Nathan, was also out for his bi-monthly scheduled visit. Forty cows were preg-checked. This is done by a rectal...yes, rectal examination. Apparently the Vet can feel the uterus, ovaries, embryo and anything else that needs to be felt for a preg-check, through the rectum. SOOO glad this in NOT the way things are done for humans!


  1. I'm going to try this recipe - sounds yummy!

  2. Love it Nancy! I will follow you! I am attempting to Blog everyday!!!


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